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Code of Conduct for Rise Participants

Last updated: May, 2022

Rise, an initiative of Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, is a global program that finds extraordinary young people who need opportunity and supports them for life as they use their talents to serve others; it is one of the largest scholarship programs in the world.

The Code of Conduct for Rise Participants (“Code”) aims to ensure everyone who participates in Rise (“Rise participants”) knows what is expected of them, so that every participant feels safe, respected, and valued. Rise places a high value on integrity and empathy and requires all Rise participants to operate under those guiding principles.

Rise participants hail from around the world and embody a diversity of backgrounds, personal traits, and opinions. Rise greatly values that diversity, and this Code in no way aims to limit academic freedom or prevent engagement in disagreement among Rise participants. It does, however, ask that you engage with one another with a spirit of friendship, respect, dialogue, and generosity. 

In signing this Code, you confirm that you understand and agree to follow its principles before, during, and after your interactions with Rise participants and representatives (i.e., Rise staff, volunteers, contractors, partner organizations) at all Rise events and activities and on all Rise-related platforms. 

Rise expects participants to follow the principles within this Code at all times, both during in-person and online interactions.


This Code of Conduct:

  • Identifies the do’s and don’ts of acceptable and unacceptable behavior
  • Promotes cooperation, honesty, fairness, and respect, and asks that you recognise and respect the rights of others
  • Directs you to the Rise Safeguarding Policy, which is designed to keep you and other Rise participants safe, as well as to the Guidance on Online Engagement for Rise Participants, which outlines best practice for online Rise interactions
  • Asks you to take responsibility for your own behavior
  • Explains how you can speak up about concerns that you have or support that you need
  • Explains what will happen if you do not follow the rules

The Code should be read alongside the Guidance on Online Engagement for Rise Participants, the Rise Safeguarding Policy, and the Rise Safeguarding Glossary, which together explain our processes and procedures for keeping you and other Rise participants safe.

Dos and Don’ts

I promise I will:

  • Follow the laws in my own country throughout the Rise application process
  • Follow any policies or rules which I may be subject to as part of Rise 
  • Honor and be fully engaged with the opportunities Rise provides
  • Be on time for all of the activities that I am required to attend
  • Respect boundaries in relationships with Rise participants and staff
  • Take responsibility for my own learning and development
  • Talk to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) if I  am feeling uncomfortable or unsafe in a Rise environment or if I am concerned about the safety or well-being of another Rise participant  
  • Respect the right to privacy of others e.g., do not share images of someone on social media without their permission
  • Collaborate with others, where appropriate
  • Listen to others
  • Be respectful towards everyone I meet, regardless of the differences between us
  • Treat disagreements as an opportunity to learn and grow
  • Be open to feedback and support
  • Practice honesty in what I do
  • Be gracious in defeat
  • Follow this Code

I promise I will NOT:

  • Enlist the help of another during the application or selection process in a way that could constitute cheating (see below for a note on integrity during the application process)
  • Stalk Rise participants or representatives
  • Extort or solicit financial support from Rise participants or representatives outside of formal application pathways
  • Be disrespectful to anyone involved with Rise, be it other participants or Rise representatives
  • Use inappropriate language in speech or in writing during Rise activities
  • Call others inappropriate names or make inappropriate and offensive statements about others’ culture, appearance, beliefs, or circumstances
  • Make abusive, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate statements about other Rise participants or Rise representatives
  • Retaliate against another Rise participant or individual who raises a complaint about my behavior
  • Record any part of the Rise selection or programming events
  • Exclude, target, or discriminate against anyone involved in Rise on account of their  background, gender identity or expression, race, beliefs, socio-economic status, physical, emotional or intellectual vulnerability, or sexual orientation. 
  • Threaten, harass or bully others (see below for the definition of bullying)
  • Misrepresent, lie about, or otherwise falsify my achievements, circumstances, and/or family background
  • Act in a way that would lead any reasonable person to question my motivation or intentions or bring Rise into disrepute


Bullying happens when one person intentionally hurts another, either physically or emotionally, such as assaulting them, teasing, making threats, or name calling. Bullying is often, though not always, aimed at specific traits, for example appearance, background, gender identity or expression, race, beliefs, socio-economic status, physical, emotional or intellectual vulnerability, or sexual orientation.

Rise takes bullying very seriously. As a Rise participant, you are expected to conduct yourself in a positive and respectful manner towards people from all backgrounds—adults and young people alike. All forms of bullying are unacceptable, both in the context of Rise events, activities, and platforms and during interactions outside of Rise opportunities. This also includes cyberbullying. Cyberbullying involves the use of electronic communication to bully a person. This can be done via email or direct messaging.

By signing this Code, you promise that you will never engage in bullying and/or cyberbullying during your interactions with Rise, Rise participants, and Rise representatives. If you experience bullying during Rise activities, please follow the steps outlined under “Safety Procedures” below and in the Rise Safeguarding Policy.

Online Behavior

Some Rise events will take place online, so it is important that you understand and follow Rise’s norms of online behavior. For our detailed rules, read theGuidance on Online Engagement for Rise Participants.

Integrity During the Rise Application and Selection Process

The Rise application and selection processes are designed to get to know you better and to see how you respond to questions, situations, and creative challenges. It is therefore advised that you find an environment that is relatively free of distractions during the application and selection events.

If we discover you had assistance with the Rise application process, or if your application contains material misrepresentation (i.e., you did not disclose pertinent information when asked to do so or information provided was inaccurate or embellished beyond being accurate), disciplinary proceedings will ensue as in the Rise Disciplinary Policy. This could include disqualification from the application process or a decision to rescind the Rise opportunity (i.e., the status of Rise Global Winner could be forfeited) if it has already been awarded.

Safety Procedures

We want to make sure that you are safe and feel supported throughout all activities and interactions with Rise. We recommend that you also read (and discuss with your parents/guardians) the Rise Safeguarding Policy and the Guidance on Online Engagement for Rise Participantsand acquaint yourself with the Rise Designated Safeguarding Leads, who are available to discuss any concerns you may have. If you are in a situation where you do not feel safe, please do not hesitate to raise a concern; this will not affect your chances of being selected as a Rise Global Winner nor will it affect your receiving continued support if you are already a Global Winner.

To raise a concern, email and provide an explanation of your concern, or ask to be contacted by phone. One of the Rise Designated Safeguarding Leads will be in contact with you to discuss your concern further and to agree on a plan of action.

If you prefer to raise a concern through an external platform, you can use the Rise Hotline, hosted by Navex Global. Access the Hotline at


This section of the  Code of Conduct covers the initial phase of a Winner’s lifelong journey with Rise. When participants become Rise Global Winners they are 15-18 years old. This section covers the first two years of engagement with Rise, until Winners are 17-20 years old. As our Rise Winners become adults, these expectations will naturally shift and it is our anticipation to have the input of our Winners to shape any ongoing expectations or terms of engagement. We will also elicit Rise Winner’s feedback on this document and where appropriate make amendments. 

Rise Expectations

I will:

  • Act in a way that positively represents my role as a Rise Global Winner and in my representation of the Rise Program
  • Be honest about my achievements, results, circumstances and/or family background
  • Participate in mandatory Rise programming such as orientation, mentorship, Rise Residential Summit pre-programming, Rise Residential Program, and other programs that are deemed required

What happens if I don’t follow the Code?

This Code was written to make sure that everyone participating in Rise’s activities enjoys the experience and receives the support they need. Any failure to follow this Code (or other policies or rules referenced in it) will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, as stated in the Rise Disciplinary Policy, that is proportionate to the seriousness of the breach, and may include disqualification from Rise, or rescission of Rise benefits and awards. 

Some examples of action that Rise might take in relation to a breach of this Code include:

  • Loss of privileges; loss for a specific period of time of the right to participate in programs and activities or disqualification from the selection process
  • Meeting with Designated Safeguarding Leads; one on one conversation to discuss violation and provide an outcome to the violations
  • Restorative resolution circles; collaborative decision making process that includes those who were involved in the incident/case and identifies who and what has been harmed and what actions are necessary to repair the harm and to restore trust in the variety of relationships between the participants and the community
  • Restitution; responsible for the cost of damage to privately owned property
  • Loss of Rise Global Winner status and benefits; in the case of failure to attend the Rise Residential Summit.

I confirm that:

  • I have read, understood, and will adhere to this Code, and discussed it with a parent or guardian.
  • Any information I have provided or will provide to Rise is truthful, accurate, and is not intentionally lacking any pertinent details.
  • I understand the behaviors expected of me during Rise interactions; I will follow the principles outlined in the Code and will interact with Rise participants and Rise representatives in a respectful manner.
  • I understand that as a Rise participant I must be an excellent role model for others and display high standards of behavior and personal integrity at all times.
  • I understand that if I am found to be in violation of this Code I will accept the consequences of my actions. 
  • I will act at all times in good faith and participate fully in the required Rise activities.